Milestones and “Once Upon A Times”

Well, days 8 and 9 involved driving from Nashville, Arkansas to Lafayette, Louisiana and then on to Milton, Florida.  We have now driven over 1800 miles so far and have about 440 miles to go, which we will do in the next two days.  I am including the picture of what Sebellah was doing, literally, as we marked our 1500th mile.  Being a little crazy from time to time has helped us keep our sanity.  We have intentionally designed the trip into manageable mileage each day, especially for Sebellah.  She has done remarkably well, for an almost four year-old.

As grandparents raising grandchildren, milestones are an important part of our journey as well.  I believe it is important that we recognize and honor the accomplishments and progress both that our grandchildren are experiencing, and the progress that we as grandparents are making in raising our grandchildren to be healthy and productive young people who will participate in making our world a better place.

One of my favorite experiences of our trip happened today.   For some reason, which I never quite figured out, Interstate 10 today was as much a parking lot, as a interstate highway.  I know that we lost at least an hour and probably more like two hours, due to the slow traffic and at times, literally sitting there not moving at all.  During that time we decided to start telling “Once Upon A Time” stories.  We took turns telling stories that we were making up on the fly, but of course, all started with, “Once Upon A Time”.  All of them had either, Sebellah or Pops as the main characters, who were usually captured by an evil black knight, dragon or some other time of evil character.  Of course, they were always rescued and a couple of times the rescuing superhero was none other than a character named, “Lolli”.  She is after all, both of ours favorite “superhero”.  We had a lot of fun, clapped at the end of each other’s stories, and it did help us not focus on the frustrating traffic jams that were cutting into our anticipated swim time, once we got to our new RV park in Milton.

I think that every grandparent raising a grandchild is definitely a superhero and deserves to be recognized as such.

So, tomorrow we have a short day, travelling to Tallahassee, before making our final descent into the Magic Kingdom of Disney World.

Sharing the Journey,

Rich, “Pops”20180728_122727.jpg20180728_140541.jpg

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I have been involved in the field of Human Services for 30 plus years. I teach in the field of Human Services for Purdue University Global. Allene is a stay at home "Lolli", after spending many years in the Healthcare field. We have 3 adult children and in May, 2018, we adopted our granddaughter, who is 6 years-old. We have had her since she was 5 months old. At the end of 2019, we moved to Mount Airy, North Carolina, as a part of a plan to downsize and give Allene the chance to retire, and be at home full-time. We are devoted to making a difference in Sebellah's life and also in the lives of other grandparents raising grandchildren.

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